HydraFacial Keravive: Your Scalp Health Treatment

Thinning hair and premature balding, which are heavily influenced by genetic and hereditary characteristics, can lead to low self-esteem and self-confidence. Hair loss does not have to be permanent, however, and in many cases can even be reversed using hair transplantation. Here at CosmetiCare, we offer some of the most reliable hair transplant methods, so you can enjoy a healthy and youthful head of hair, once more.

We’re also pleased to offer the HydraFacial Keravive treatment so you can enjoy a healthy scalp and all the confidence that comes with it. If you’re interested in learning more about how these treatments can help, we recommend reaching out to our Newport Beach location and setting up your consultation with a helpful member of our team today.

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Woman with Long Dark Hair

Is Keravive Right for Me?

HydraFacial® Keravive™ is a one-of-a-kind treatment that has been designed to cleanse, nourish, exfoliate, and hydrate your scalp, leaving you with healthier- fuller-looking hair. It works in three steps and includes both an in-office treatment and a 30-day take-home spray. For the best results, we recommend a minimum of three in-office treatments of Keravive™ performed once monthly, along with continued use of the take-home spray for between office visits.

Due to the sensitive nature of the transplanted hairs, it is not recommended to have a Keravive™ treatment until six months after your hair transplant. The Keravive™ take-home spray can be used four weeks after a hair transplant.

The Keravive Experience

Step 1: Cleanse & Exfoliate

The skin on your scalp will be gently cleansed and exfoliated, removing dirt, debris, and other impurities that may be keeping you from looking and feeling your best.

Step 2: Stimulate & Nourish

HydraFacial Keravive™ Scalp Health Solution delivers a proprietary blend of growth factors and skin proteins to stimulate a healthy scalp.

Step 3: Extend & Enhance

Daily use of the HydraFacial Keravive™ Scalp Health Spray enhances the benefits of the in-office treatment and delivers daily stimulation and nourishment to your scalp and hair follicles. The use of Keravive™ can also help complement other hair-loss treatments both before and after. A healthier, cleaner scalp encourages better results from both PRP treatment, and hair restoration surgical procedures.

A Gentle, Effective Experience

There is no downtime with Keravive™, and this treatment is pain-free, gentle, and relaxing. You will be leaving your treatment with wet hair, and your scalp/hair should be dry 15 to 20 minutes after the end of the treatment. For best results, it is recommended to not use a hairdryer within an hour of treatment or use the take-home spray and to wait an additional six to 12 hours before washing your hair at home.

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PRP Hair Restoration

For best results, it is not recommended to administer HydraFacial® Keravive™ and PRP treatments in the same visit. The recommended regimen is to alternate Keravive™ and PRP treatments and to allow two to four weeks in between treatments.

After a Hair Transplant

Keravive™ treatments can be beneficial in improving scalp circulation, and patients considering a hair transplant can do a series of treatments in the three to six months preceding hair transplant surgery to optimize scalp health.

Hair Transplant Options

There are two main types of hair transplant surgical methods for treating baldness patterns and hair loss at CosmetiCare: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These hair restoration procedures work by taking hair from the back and sides of the head and moving them to the areas where individuals are experiencing hair loss.

FUE Hair Transplant

This method is performed using a small punch to manually remove each follicle, removing the entire graft and transplanting the hair to another part of your head. It is less invasive than the FUT method and can provide more flexibility when it comes to hairstyling in the future, making shorter hairstyles more possible.

FUT Hair Transplant

Otherwise known as the “Strip Method,” this technique involves the removal of a linear ellipse-shaped incision. This makes it possible to acquire a large number of grafts in one procedure, without the need for shaving prior to the procedure. Your provider will discuss each option with you before the day of your procedure.

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Creating the Results You’ll Love

When it comes to both looking and feeling your best, the team at CosmetiCare understands that a holistic approach is necessary. We treat each and every patient as a unique individual, developing customized treatment plans and working closely with our patients to understand their unique needs and goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about hair restoration in Newport Beach, we’re excited to help you explore the various surgical and non-surgical treatment options we have on offer here at our Newport Beach location. Reach out and set up your consultation today.

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